Reasons the Olympics is not really an honor for your country.
National pride holds more value than a gold medal to a nation. However, that would not hold any importance if the nation is in need of more than that.
Here are 2 reasons why the Olympics take more from you than the pride it gives you.
Infrastructure expenses.
Any international event of this size requires a huge infrastructure. Countries holding the Olympics are supposed to develop this infrastructure. However, these are not required after the games are over. Therefore, the money spent on these puts the country in a tight financial spot.
Displacement of people
After the infrastructure, where does the space to develop these come from? It would be foolish to assume that countries have spare spaces to build new infrastructure. A large number of people are displaced from their areas for these developments. This right here is a serious issue.
With Olympics holding a status of great respect, let’s stop and look at the other side of the coin.