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Storyline -

This story is about how any reason is good enough to start doing something good. Often people start doing something when they see people around them doing it or when everyone is doing it.

So in this story Ron is a guy who doesn't go to gym and just chills at home and he is a skinny guy. All his friends go to the gym and persuade him to go as he is not fit and it would be healthy for him to go later he gives in because he saw how all his friends went there and they hangout together because of it so he didn't want to be left out. After sometime when he started going to the gym he felt the difference and he became fit and felt more relaxed.

So through this story I want people to acknowledge that any reason be it because "they are also doing it" or just to "show off" is good enough to do something new and healthy as people have to start somewhere and even if it's because of others if it's for your benefit let's give the reason some credit too!

Screenplay -

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